Need hotel bookings for your Visa Application? We provide quick and Top & Best Hotel Booking services via WhatsApp starting at just Rs. 1000 per booking. Simply share your travel details and within minutes, you’ll get your hotel booking in PDF on your WhatsApp.
Plus, we also offer temporary flight ticket reservations also known as Dummy Tickets for just Rs. 2500 per person!
Travel hassle-free with our efficient services!
Why Do You Need a Dummy Hotel Booking?
When applying for a Visa, many countries require a proof of Accommodation as part of the Application process. That’s where a Dummy Hotel Booking comes in, even if your travel plans are not yet finalized.
How Does Our Service Work?
Our booking process is really quick and simple. Just send us a message on WhatsApp and tell us when you’re planning to travel. In just a few minutes, we’ll send you a PDF of your Temporary hotel booking right to your WhatsApp. It’s super simple and you don’t need to worry about a thing.